Wednesday, June 06, 2012

I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey work of the stars *

The hole in my back yard has turned into this.


That picture was taken before the pool dudes were completely done. The piles of dirt are now gone, but I have nice level mud in it's place. I feel like I am using the same amount of water to fill the dang thing, as I am trying to get grass to grow. So far all I have are little bitty leaves of grass right at the pool's edge.

I am also trying hard to resist this.

That, my friends, is a slice of banana heaven. I love the little town I live near. One day as I was driving along the main street through town, a pick up truck pulled up next to me with a trailer hitched to it. Inside the trailer was a sheep making it known she was not happy to be there! There is a field of cows across the street from my daughter's school, and we have a wonderful local yarn store. Besides all of that, there is this little diner that has been open since the 1930's that has fried chicken and pie that will bring tears of joy to your eyes.


I also plan to get much knitting done this summer. That is the Poinsettia Cowl by Anne Hanson in Blackberry Ridge sport blend. Black yarn is very difficult to photograph. For a better picture, follow the link.

As Walt Whitman wrote, "Give me the splendid, silent sun with all his beams full-dazzling."

* Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman


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