Sunday, September 13, 2009

What in the Sam Hill was I thinking?

Meet the newest member of the Clan. She's about 3 months old, and I swore on many occasions that she would not come to live with us since we already have two dogs and a mean cat, one that would rather bite you than look at you.

The PD (that's the sister in law) let her cat get out of the house before she had her baby making parts removed. She was able to find homes for the other three, but no one wanted this one. The others were generally thought to be "cuter". There was a grey one, a black one, and a white and black one. Personally, I thought that mug up there was the cutest. It has more character.

She ended up at our house on Labor Day. When will I learn not to have cook outs and invite the in laws? She was supposed to go home with the Gaggs (the mother in law). But when faced with the pleading faces of 3 of my children (the Boy didn't give a hoot), I caved even though I'm allergic to cats. Because that's the kind of mom I am.

I was given the naming rights. Her name is Allegra, which is also the name of my allergy meds.

As a side note - Does anyone know if cats blink? It's a little disconcerting.

Now that the kidlets are back in school, there has been more knitting time. I'm working on these.

That's the first of the Pomatomus sock by the brilliant Cookie A. I'm a little late to the Cookie party, but I like to think of it as being fashionable. This normally is worked on while sitting at the dojo or in a doctor's office. I always try to keep a pair of socks on the needles so I have something portable to keep me busy while waiting.

I also have this wrinkled blob. It's Creideamh from the Embrace the Lace Club. You can't tell, but it's a beautiful shawl from a pattern by Renee Leverington using Miss Babs' Yearning.

I'm having a much easier time with this shawl than I am the Swallowtail. It's just yarn overs and decreases on both, but for some reason the Swallowtail is the petulant child. So it's been put in time out.

I must go...I have to, again, chastise Allegra for trying to chew on my dpns.

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