Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Oo-oo That smell, Can't you smell that smell?*

Gorgeous, right? I impatiently wait all winter for the all too brief time these lovely trees in front of my typical suburban home to bloom. I gleefully drive about admiring these Bradford pear trees, and marvel at the larger specimens knowing that one day mine will be tall and glorious. I take delight in the field that is next to the community ballpark, where these grow wild by the hundreds, although many are just wee little trees.

I also love the view from my deck. Our neighbor to the back whose property abuts three yards, mine being in the middle, 12 years ago selflessly planted 13 of these beauties.

In spite of my allergies, I love this time of year. Except, Jay-Z on a cracker, those trees stink! Oh, good Lard! When I open the windows to blow out the stink, as my mother used to say, a worse stink comes in with every breeze! There's just no getting away from the rotten stench permeating the air.

As much as I love these trees, I wish they would hurry up already and show some leaves already.

*Lynard Skynard


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