A froggy policeman (woman? who can tell with frogs).
An exploding flamingo.
Random thoughts, mostly about knitting.
Those are one of a pair of mittens for Thing 2 (Thing 1's are already finished, but Thing 2 does have store bought mittens he could wear), the back of the Wishbone sweater for me, and finally, the Harry Potter type "R" sweater that Ron wears for Thing 2.
Rather than look at the next 10 days as a prison sentence, I choose to be positive about it. In the next ten days I could finally get caught up on the laundry, or I could get the house clear of all clutter. I could finish all of those books I've been meaning to read, or, dare I say it, practice my crochet skills. Crocheting doesn't require the use of the left hand except as a means to hold the yarn in ready position. Right?...
Lawdy, help me. I'm going through withdrawal. I sound like a strung out addict. I'll say anything to myself to justify holding yarn in my hand!