It's been a long time, old friend. Let's catch up.
Honestly, I don't know why I stopped writing. Like any good relationship you have to put in work. I suppose I just became lazy and stopped trying. I stopped trying in many aspects of my life. It's time to change that, and this is the first step. It's going to be a journey. There will be days without movement, but you know, baby step and all.
So, the kidlets are now young adults. All of them are still here. Not one can afford to move out with this economy. Plus, we've added one. The Weasel's girlfriend has moved in with us. It's a long story. Years ago I would never have imagined having a kidlet's significant other living with us, but we are a different generation from my parents.
The Husband has retired and gone back to work. He's a published author, with another book on the way. He's not making Stephen King money, but it's a nice extra check. The Girl has her master's degree in occupational therapy and is making good bank, but she's living here in order to pay down her student loans. Thing 1 annouced years ago, when he was 8 I think, that he was never moving out and would take up residence in the basement. That's were he is most days. Thing 2 is working at a vet's office and loves it.
I have gone back to work. I work at the local high school as an aide in one of the multi-disability classrooms, and I love it. I love these kiddo's so much, I would rather work with these kids than the typical teenage high schooler with all the drama.
This is supposed to be a knitting blog, but other than a few biggies, does anyone read them anymore?
Guess I'll find out.