I have turned into my mother. My mom was a stay at home mom. I knew it was inevitable that I would be one the minute I was downsized 16 years ago, and the Husband and I decided that no one would hire a 6 months pregnant lady only to train her and have her take maternity leave 3 months later. Never mind the fact that I would probably only make enough to cover day care for two kids.
Sixteen years and a pair of twins later, that is how I ended up chaperoning a marching band trip to NYC for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. This parade has pretty much taken over since July, often in very subtle ways. It has been lurking in the shadows since it was announced the band was marching with the occasional fund raisers, but it really made it's presence known when band camp started; and I volunteered to be the official band photographer. (That's my Teva tan from camp down below.)
It has even taken over my iFruit. Oh yeah, those are last year's unis. They have brand new ones for this year. (More fundraisers)
So in addition to all of the things I need to think about, gather, and buy for me, the Boy and Girl who are marching, the most important of all is the knitting! I must have new sweaters for this trip. I can't let the 300 kids and other chaperones see me in the same sweater twice, right? I don't care if I wear the same jeans all week, but I have to switch out the sweaters. Besides, I can't let the other knitter band moms show me up!
As an aside, we have an unofficial Thursday night knit night at marching band practice. Last evening two moms each took an end of a Dr. Who scarf and started weaving in ends with the goal of meeting in the middle. I don't really get to participate, because I'm usually on the field taking photos.
Back on track, I decided that I could knit two sweaters and a pair of flip top mittens before we leave the end of November. It's doable, right? Yeah, not if this is all you have completed of sweater number one.
That is a crappy iFruit photo of the beginnings of the February Lady Sweater. I am forever the optimist. I know I'll have two great new sweaters, and I'll be gleefully walking the streets of NYC just like Mary Tyler Moore did on the streets of Minneapolis; but I will NOT throw my hat.