Tuesday, November 30, 2010


This time of year brings to mind all of the great "curses" that Darren McGavin unleashes in "A Christmas Story", especially when after reaching the shoulder shaping on the front of a sweater with a huge honkin' cable design up the front, you realize that the design isn't in the sweet 'flalinglupo'* middle.

One only comes to this conclusion after missing the instruction in the pattern where one is directed to start decreasing for the arm hole shaping, and by "one", I mean "me". So I ripped back a few inches and continued blissfully unaware that I had made a mistake way back at the beginning.
*my own curses

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Public Service Announcement

It has come to my attention that each year hundreds of words regularly fall out of daily use. This is a travesty that must not be allowed to continue. The good folks at the Oxford English Dictionary are asking that we, as users and lovers of the English language, adopt a word.

By using our adopted word in our correspondence, meetings, and even blog postings, we can prevent some good, hardworking words from disappearing from our lexicon. Please go here and do your part.

"Wool stapler". Look it up. Thank you.

Monday, November 08, 2010

Title Here

As you can see by the title, I'm not feeling terribly creative. I'm still knitting, but following patterns. Every now and then, it's nice to not have to think. Ravelry is helping.

Those of you that are on Ravelry, have you seen the option where you can marry up items in your queue with your stash? It's really cool. You can see what yarn you already have on hand, how much, and what the weight is, and do a search of things in your queue that would use that amount and weight of yarn. You can then attach that yarn to that project. By doing this, I have decided to knit through my stash.

The husband has been complaining that I have too much yarn. So by turning it into sweaters, scarves, hats and socks, it will take up less room in the house. Sounds logical, right? Just go with me on this.

With that said, I found that I had enough Beaverslide Dry Goods worsted to make me a vest. I used this book since the math was already done for me, added a leafy trim (which I think I'm going to rip out and change) around the bottom,
add single crochet around the arms and neck; and, Bob's your uncle, I have less yarn in the stash! Never mind that it just moved from the plastic container in the closet to the cedar chest.

Now I'm working my way through some Cascade 220 to make a Wishbone. It too will move several times. It will move from the closet, to the tote bag while in progress, to the cedar chest. All that matters is that it will be out of the closet, and the Husband will notice a few less skeins of yarn in there.

Maybe. All I see when I look in the closet are his eleventy pairs of black boots. Although, I could start shoving yarn down in his boots. Brilliant! I'll be back, I have to go shopping!