The Husband pointed out a few days ago that I hadn't updated the Blog in about a month. I came to the realization that I hadn't felt particularly inspired. It wasn't that I just felt that I had nothing to write about, but I felt uninspired in many aspects of my life.
The knitting is still there. It's just not an inspiring knit. I decided that the cardigan I had made of my own design from the Malabrigo I had in the stash would be better off repurposed as a different sweater, because although my gauge was spot on, I apparently think I have a linebacker's physique. I was going for comfortable (I'm not a big fan of fitted sweaters), what I got was comforter. So, I bumbled around on Ravelry and found a suitable alternative.
What I settled upon was Mr. Greenjeans by Amy Swenson. It's a good, basic cardigan with a little pizzazz. I'm sure I'll like it once it's finished. But I feel uninspired because I really don't have to think while making it. I'm following a pattern without making any modifications. Don't get me wrong, sometimes mindless knitting can be a good thing.
I feel uninspired with my choice of reading material lately. I'm currently reading Charles Dicken's "The Old Curiosity Shop". I love Dickens. I love the silly names he gives some of his characters (Richard Swiveller and Sophy Wackles), and the even sillier characteristics some have.
"…had it consorted with Miss Brass's maiden modesty and gentle womanhood to have assumed her brother's clothes in a frolic and sat down beside him, it would have been difficult for the oldest friend of the family to determine which was Sampson and which Sally, especially as the lady carried upon her upper lip certain reddish demonstrations, which, if the imagination had been assisted by her attire, might have been mistaken for a beard. These were, however, in all probability, nothing more than eyelashes in a wrong place, as the eyes of Miss Brass were quite free from any such natural impertinencies."
In spite of that brilliant prose, I'm just not feeling it.
I'm especially feeling uninspired in my job and here around the house. I'm a part time merchandiser. I go into stores and set up displays, and keep them stocked and neat. We have one client that I have been dealing with for years, and I like them (they have a dog as the mascot). But lately, I've been sent to other retailers in addition to my regular stops. While these other retailers don't take much time, they are impossible to deal with. I mostly deal with management, and when I can find one (a manager) they are no help whatsoever. They often vaguely wave me off in a direction, tell me I need to talk to someone else, and then that someone else is impossible to find, and the manager has disappeared. This retailer is often thought to be the reason for the downfall of the Mom and Pop stores, if you know what I mean.
I find that I resent being sent to these other retailers. I just want to go to the one I like, do my job, and go home. Very uninspiring.
When I arrive at home, there are so many things that need to be done, and so many things that could be done to make this a beautiful home (right now, it's just functional), but I go through the house with blinders on.
At this point in the blog, I've lost my inspiration to even find a way to neatly tie up my loose thoughts.