Think Pink
For anyone living under a rock, (that must be some rock if you're able to get internet!) I'd like to remind you that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This month is always a bittersweet month for me. It is yet another opportunity for me to be reminded of the people in my life that I have lost to cancer. Upper most in my heart is my mother. She lost her battle to breast cancer 12 years ago on June 8th.
Not only do I think of her on that day, but I also think of her on her birthday in August. But October is bittersweet to me, because my husband and I were married in October on my birthday. One of my favorite pictures of my mother is one that my mother-in-law snapped from across the church aisle. It's my mother with tears unashamedly running down her face as I walked down the aisle on my father's arm.
While any form of cancer is flat out one of the worst things ever placed on this earth, I feel it's important to maintain one's sense of humor. What a dark miserable world this would be if we couldn't laugh about something so wretched.
With that in mind, please Save the Ta-Tas! Ladies, you might consider buying this for your husbands.